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The Road Traveled

It's been a long and beautiful journey to get to this point. So many mediums explored. So many materials that have made their way through these hands and into something crazy. I thank everyone who's helped to make this a reality. Friends, family, strangers, the helpful, even the doubters.


It's safe to say it all really kicked off with pencil drawing. Sketching dinosaurs and monsters in class from elementary through high school. I suppose I had my priorities... Just makes me glad clients don't ask for my GPA... 


Friends introduced me to poi and fire-spinning in the eighth grade. Don't get me wrong, there were plenty of burns and bruises back then but most of the scars come when you shake off the fear and let loose. You realize how much you can take. 


Cosplay and prop building came after high school. It was a fun bout that lasted a few years but alas, it filled my closet and emptied my wallet...


Painting, singing, drumming, dancing, cooking, voice-acting, and even home brewing mead all find their place in the story. All there is to say is that living is best done through expressing, exploring, and experimenting. Day by day, even when it hurts us to the bone, we break down our walls and let everything we love rush onto life's canvas. It was through this process that I eventually found the things I loved that people wanted me to share with them most... A wonderfully chaotic process of throwing stuff at a wall to see what stuck...


One special thank you needs to go out to Bruce Lee - The dragon himself. In a low of my life, I came across the book "Artist of Life" and it was one of the biggest helps in blowing the cap off of my artwork.


If anything, the book is a guide to self-understanding and exploring the importance of art as the freedom of creation that exists within every person on this earth. Let us create something beautiful of our time here. Even if you're just passing through to take a look, I thank you for letting me be a part of your adventure, and I thank you for being a part of mine.


-Edward Joseph Armbruster

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