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Will today be the day you begin your adventure with us?

Find your own personal bit of wonder.


Over the past two decades of sketching, sculpting, painting, and playing with fire amongst other things, I've been obsessed with art. It wasn't until the latter half of that time when my motivations shifted. People began to ask me for artwork and so I obliged. It was the looks on the faces of the recipients when given their pieces that let me know I needed to continue on this path

As I indulged in producing artwork for friends, family, and then strangers bound to become friends, insecurities of my work faded and I began to realize how much joy could be channeled into artwork and then passed on to the client before making it's way right back around to me. Even in the art pulled from harsher places than joy can bring it about through empathy.


We create. We share. We reap what we sew. This is life, and living is an art.

The art I would like to share with you here is mainly comprised of my role as a fire performer, as well as my work as a sculptor and admirer of the high fantasy genre. These are only the main focus, but its rare a challenge is shot down. As this homepage is being typed, there sits on my workbench, a 5' long dragon head. Why? Because the client wanted something otherworldly, unseen, and unforgettable. There's no turning something like that down.

So come, let's create amazing things together! Whether they be stories, sculptures, paintings, or something completely new, let's bring your idea to life! 

My name is Edward Armbruster and Welcome to Morning 

Dew Studio. 

Art requires imagination. It requires creativity. Creativity requires experience and experience comes from your life. And your life is expressed in your art."

-Bruce Lee

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